Never Apply to Such Job Ads on Social Media. They Are Scams

You must have come across the job ads at Facebook & LinkedIn like the following.

Jobs in Oman

50 English teachers needed for Oman. Only Muslims, male or female. Government job.

Salary: 1100/- Omani Riyal

Pakistani Rs. 3,51,000/-

Free visa, ticket, accommodation, medical and annual leaves. If you know anybody interested, please refer. Send CV at [email protected].

Master degree or M. Phil in English

How to Know if Job Ad is Fake?

  1. If the advertiser is soliciting CVs on a private e-mail, chances are there is a scammer behind this activity
  2. If the advertiser has not given URL of his website, job seekers must be cautious in such cases.
  3. If the advertiser has not advertised his recruitment license, stay away. Job posting might be fake.
  4. If advertiser asks a nominal fee to process your application, it is a sure sign of scam

Just imagine, if only 1,000 people apply on this ad and scammer charges only Rs. 1000 to “process” the application, he will collect Rs. 1,000,000 from desperate job seekers.

Motive Behind Posting Such Fake Ads:

Primarily, there are three motives behind posting such fake ads.

  1. To collect money from desperate job seekers and run away
  2. To get engagement on their profiles
  3. To collect your cell phone numbers and emails (to be used for scamming/spamming/marketing)

I advise the job seekers to stay vigilant of scammers.

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Ashraf Chaudhry is Pakistan’s #1 Sales Trainer, author and social media influencer. Join him at Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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