How to answer: Why should we hire you?

What matters the most to companies is hiring individuals that can add value to their organization. Nobody wants to hire the wrong people for a position and in turn get stuck with the individuals who do not benefit the company either in the short-term or the long-term.

Recruiters are fearful of hiring candidates who are not the perfect fit for the job because there are costs associated with a wrong hire. This is why they usually ask the question “Why should we hire you”. Even though they are experienced enough to gauge the ability of job-seekers from their resumes but they want to give the candidates a chance to market themselves. This allows the recruiters to completely analyze the candidates as a person and a professional. The answer to this question provides them insights that they cannot get from anywhere else.

Given that you answer this question correctly, you can separate yourself from your competitors and get the job you desire. Have no idea how you can answer this question? Don’t worry, here’s a detailed guide of what you should do and what you shouldn’t:

The perfect answer to this question covers two aspects. First comes the unique selling proposition (USP’s) and then comes linking the research of the company that you do with your experiences, skills, and accomplishments.

You must do your homework on the company that you apply for a job. Figure out what sort of candidates they are looking for, what will be the tasks assigned, how are the employees expected to perform, the current and future projects as well as the plans of the company. This will help you better align yourself with the company and present your case – what you have got to offer – to the recruiters.

The key here is to demonstrate that you can do the required tasks within time, deliver exceptional results, fit in the team, and add value because you have the necessary knowledge, technical acumen, hard as well as soft skills, and expertise.

Follow up with your accomplishments and prove to the hiring managers with relevant examples why they must hire you.

Do not answer this question by pointing out the benefits that the job will provide you. Stating that you are available right now, the company is near your residence, you are interested in the job, and you need the money are answers that you need to avoid. It is important that you realize that recruiters want to hear about how you can benefit the company and not the other way around.

To sum it up, you need to sell yourself to the hiring managers and communicate effectively with them. You need to prove to them that you are the one that they are looking for. Being concise and relevant is the key. With enough practice, you can without doubt confidently answer the question “Why should we hire you?”

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