Terms of Use

The following terms and conditions outline the rules and regulation that you as a user must abide by under all circumstances. It is requested that you go through these terms and conditions in details before you use our website.

If you choose to access the website ashrafchaudhryblog.com, we will assume that you accept these terms and conditions completely.

Please do not use the Ashraf Chaudhry blog website if you do not accept the terms and conditions.

By using AshrafChaudhryblog’s website you consent to the use of cookies. We use cookies to allow us to gather relevant data about our users and this usage is in line with our privacy policy. Just like the majority of the websites, we also use cookies to helps us provide better services and improve our website for your benefit.

All the content posted on AshrafChaudhryblog.com is the intellectual property of ours and its rights are reserved. You must not copy, republish, sell, rent, or duplicate the material. If you do wish to use our content, you must cite properly and give due credit. Get in touch if you wish to use our content and our team will be more than happy to guide you about the process.

In particular segments of the website such as the space below each blog, you are offered to post as well as exchange opinions, information, and give feedback in the form of comments. We do not edit, review, or publish the content that users post prior to their appearance. The comments in no way represent the opinions of the team members of Ashraf Chaudhry blog rather they only reflect the views of the individuals who post them. AshrafChaudhryblog.com is not responsible for any liability, damages, or expenses that occur due to the posting of comments. We deserve the utmost right to monitor and if necessary remove any comments that do not add value to the discussion. There is a zero-tolerance policy to offensive language. Defamatory, abusive, libelous comments will be deleted. In the comments section, one cannot promote a business or indulge in any commercial activity. Also, by posting comments you grant permission to team Ashraf Chaudhry blog to use, reproduce, and edit any of your comments. Strict action will be taken against those that breach the terms and conditions.

Search engines, governmental agencies, and news organizations can hyperlink our content without prior approval. A link to our homepage and/or the link to the particular blog will have to be provided alongside. The link has to be presented in such a way that it does not mislead people, does not imply in any way that a deal has been struck or there is an endorsement/sponsorship between us and yourself.

Other than the above-mentioned parties, individuals or organizations wanting to hyperlink or share our content can get in contact. They must request from us, clearly stating their purpose and place/website where they want to share our content. We will be more than happy to approve their request after our team goes through the intricacies in detail. We reserve the right and discretion to request anytime to remove all the link to our content if you choose to make reference of it or use it directly.


As far as the information regarding the personalities or companies that we bring to light, we tend to make sure that none of that information is confidential and that we do not violate any laws while writing about them. The images that we include are either listed as free to be used (free from any copyright issues) or are cited properly to the direct source.

It must be duly noted that we strive for excellence and do our best to ensure that the information we provide is 100% correct but we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness. Also, we are not entirely committed to always update the blogs written in the past and change information to keep the website up-to-date.

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